Unicode to Preeti Converter

Top 10 Unicode to Preeti Converter


Searching for a good Unicode to Preeti converter. If that’s the case, don’t worry as today we have a list of top 10 Unicode to Preeti converter. So, do check out the list.

Unicode to Preeti Converter

Unicode to Preeti Converter by Sushil Shrestha:

Firstly, we have a Unicode to Preeti converter by Sushil Shrestha with a simple design. Therefore, he designed it in such a simple way that you can type the Unicode on the left side and the converted Preeti will be shown on the right side. In addition, he even explained how this works at the top of his site. Also, his site features ‘Preeti to Unicode’, ‘Typeshala’, and ‘Type in Nepali’ as well.

Link: http://unicode.shresthasushil.com.np/

Ashesh’s Blog:

Next, we have Ashesh’s Unicode to Preeti in his blog site. To begin with, he has a fairly attractive interface. In addition, tons of other useful features not just only related to typing.  Notably, his site also includes the Nepali calendar, Nepal Exchange rates, Horoscopes, etc. To sum up, he sure did put a lot of effort into his site. 

Link: https://www.ashesh.com.np/unicode-preeti/

Mero Kalam:

Likewise, we have ‘Mero Kalam’. It is a Nepali site that not only converts Unicode to Preeti with vice-versa but also features informative blogs. However,  it seems that its main usage is more towards Preeti and Unicode conversion along with Postal Codes of Nepal.

Link: https://www.merokalam.com/unicode-to-preeti/

Artha Sarokar:

Next, we have Artha Sarokar which seems to be fully dedicated to Preeti and Unicode conversion and Nepali Typing and practice. However, this site also features online radio and live TV as well. Although the Roman to Preeti and other features seem to be working flawlessly, there seem to be some problems in Unicode and Preeti conversion.

Link: https://unicode.arthasarokar.com/

Nepali Unicode:

Similarly, we have Nepali Unicode that also deals with Unicode and Preeti conversion. But unlike other website that deals with conversion and provide certain information only, this site is quite interactive. Thus, this site allows its users to play Old-time games like the Baghchal, hangman, puzzle, etc. 

Link: http://nepaliunicode.rat32.com/nepali-unicode-to-preeti-font-converter/

Pramukh Font Converter:

Next, we have Pramukh Font Converter which in my view is one of the best platforms for Unicode and Preeti Conversion. Although, the developer of this site claims this site to be in demo mode. However, this is the best-found site for Unicode and Preeti Conversion. Therefore, in terms of Interface design, informative, features, and simplicity, it is the best. In addition, this site deals with various conversions on a single page with a drop-down menu choice system.

Link: https://www.pramukhfontconverter.com/nepali/unicode-to-preeti

Sajha Post:

Similarly, we have Sajha Post. To begin with, it is the simplest and to the point site, I’ve found. In detail, it has only 3 options: Unicode to Preeti, Preeti to Unicode and Roman to Preeti which all words flawlessly. No ads, no extra features to distract, easy to use site developed by BestNepal.

Link: https://www.sajhapost.com/unicode-converter/index.html


Next, we have NepaliUnicodeConverter which deals with Unicode and Preeti conversion along with similar relatable features. In addition, it also has roman to Preeti, Nepali Keyboard and Voice Typing as well. However, there’s no information about the creator or developer of this website though. 

Link: https://nepaliunicodeconverter.com/unicode-preeti/

Khabar Hub:

Similarly, we have Khabar Hub which rather specifically being a conversion site is a news site that features conversion between Preeti and Unicode. Even so, it has a unique Nepali style with everything in Nepali font with Nepali news divided into different sections.

Link: https://www.khabarhub.com/preeti-to-unicode/


At last, we have HindiTyping.info which does the conversion between Unicode and Preeti. Although this is an Indian website since Nepali and Indian languages are almost the same, it features this conversion. However, this site along with Unicode and Preeti conversion includes Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Gujrati, etc in it.

Link: https://hindityping.info/converter/unicode-to-preeti-nepali-font/

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