20 Funny Nickname for Your Best Friend in Nepali

22 Funny Nicknames for Boy / Girl Best Friend in Nepali


Best Friends are the strong bond in which every thing they do is acceptable. Whether they make a mistake or a help. There is the rule that sorry and thanks are not acceptable on the true friendship. Finding a best friend is very hard because you both need to have a common ground to express.

Can everyone give you the same support as your best friend does? No, they can’t.

Someone who helps you in each and every situation, someone who participate in the auspicious moment, those who give you suggestion and tends to correct, someone who scold in your faults, someone who praise in your achievement and someone who always on your side is the best friend.

We can share our sorrow, happiness and even the smaller incident of our life to our best friend. We feel something another vibe when our best friend is with us. Feel more comfortable to address our best friend by giving nickname according to their physique, character, and by their personality. So, Here are the 20 funny nicknames for your best friend in Nepali.

Funny Nickname for your best friend in Nepali:


Dost is the hindi word which have the meaning of friend. It usually address friends in Nepal too. also, it is a funny nickname for your best friend in Nepali, as well as a casual way to address other friends.


Motey is the popular and funny nepali nickname for your bestfriend which have the meaning of fat phisique. Also, it is a funny nickname to call out your best friend in Nepali who appears overweight.


Nasey is the very funny nickname for your best friend in Nepali which gives the meaning of slim phisique. It is another funny name to call your best friend in Nepali who is very thin looking.


Pokey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of cute phisique. However, everyone has bestfriend who is cute. This is the best which fits them.

Haddi- funniest nickname for your bestfriend in Nepali

Haddi is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of extremely slim phisique. What about a your friend being exremely slim? The typical meaning of haddi is “Bone”.


Chutiya is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of cheap personality. If your bestfriend has cheap personality, no other name will fit them.


Khadi is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of thief character. Also, if he/she is has lying personality, This is the best one you can call them.


Alkattey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of adjustable character. If your best friend has adjustable personality, then nothing can beat this name.


Kaaley is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of Black Phisique. Does your bestfriend has black skin? If yes, this could be something you can call them with love “Kaaley”.


Additionally, Gorey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of white Phisique. Just like Kaaley, Gorey is for the friend who has white skin.


Likewise, Neptey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of compressed nose Phisique. It is used to address your bestfriend if he has compressed nose.


Ghoptey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of greedy and selfish personality. However it is used to address your bestfriend if he/she is greedy and selfish.

Ekalkaatey- Call this nickname to your selfish best friend in Nepali

Ekalkaatey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of isolative personality. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he/she loves to be alone.


Baangey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of curved phisique. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he has curved body apperance. The typical meaning of Baangey is “Curve”.


Naagaa is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of unmarried. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he has is unmarried.


Totlaa is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of unclear and unfluent speaker. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he/she randomly pause when talking or have unclear voice.

Stri Lampat:

Stri Lampat is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of girls attached boy who always tries to be in the circle of girls. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he always tries to spend all the time with girls rather than doing own work.


Tyape is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of drug addicted. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he is addicted in the consumption of drugs and extremely adopt western culture.


Naaradmuni is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of human messanger. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he can message the secrets between peoples.


PaaniAandrey is the very funny nickname for your bestfriend in nepali which gives the meaning of Afraid character. Specially it is used to address your bestfriend if he can afraid to do serious work.

Also Read:

Nickname for BoyFriend In Nepali

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