“Dressing for Success: How Your Style Can Influence Your Career”


Generally, Dressing for Success: How your style can influence your career, Dressing means what somebody has worn as ‘a piece of cloth’. Only a piece of cloth can decide the dressing of a person? We assume wearing fancy clothes makes one sophisticated, educated or standard person. But is this true? Have we ever questioned what. Dressing for Success: How your style can influence your career means grooming oneself to become a better version of yourself then yesterday. It means learning, educating and improving yourself. However, Dressing for success: How your style can influence your career, Style plays a significant role in dressing. Style means the confidence and charisma which oneself carry in order to present themselves in a group of people. Dressing for Success: How your style can influence your career.

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There are a lot of benefits that dressing can help in success. Like, confidence and that boldness can play a significant role in enhancing your success. By raising your opinion on a wanted topic. Also, dressing well also plays a significant role as it attracts others. This can be a plus point like iron attracting a magnet smoothly. Its society which has always put wearing good clothes makes you look good or beautiful. So subconsciously or consciously we gaze to people wearing clean or good clothes which help oneself to make smaller or bigger impact on something.

Also, the style how somebody is presenting themselves also plays an important role as being bold or confident. Sometime misunderstood with rude and egoistic because lot of people have problem conveying their thoughts which is a communication issue.

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Style is something intangible which cannot be seen or touched, it is a vibe. As career is something related with professional aspect so having a good style or vibe can influence a lot of people for your benefit. Dressing doesn’t have to be a branded clothes or branded shoes for example in today’s social media era. Lot of influencers present themselves originally by being themselves without wearing branded or designers clothes they easily convey their thought process by viewing them lot of youth get influenced by them and they idolize them for their real content.

By taking their examples only one can observe how they are growing day by day career wise and getting lot of appreciation. In the past many film actors used to set the trend where the public used to get influenced by their dresses and behaviors. And they also try to copy them without knowing the pros and cons.

Talking about the consequences, there are alot of disadvantages. As from the start of the article I am mentioning that dressing also means presenting your thoughts. So many people can misunderstand that wearing professional clothes can only make oneself impactful or can make them change makers.

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First of all, one should know whatever they are wearing should be comfortable to them because firstly you have to feel you in those clothes just connecting with thoughts one should be original they should not be copied version of others.They should be real and truthful to their thoughts and principles.Wearing trendy clothes stylish clothes are also very cool if you can carry themselves properly and present them with confidence.

There are a lot of fashion influencers who are doing their job excellently by wearing whatever they like and speaking their mind and giving their feedback on things. But following trends does not mean forgetting yourself just because something is looking good on others that means that thing should also look good on you. There is a lot of harsh reality which fashion influencers don’t share. Being a viewer you are watching their content where they are going shopping daily or weekly. But have you ever thought about where all the money comes from? They have their sponsors who sponsor them for their content. But for a normal person it might not be favorable because it is a waste of money for them it is a career which is uplifting them financially. 

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So lastly, I want to conclude that Dressing for success means just be yourself and carry your own style. One should not copy or act like others because “You is YOU” you are unique , you are different accept  yourself.

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